Author: TeamJugaduBlog

How to Use Web Omnipresence to Grow Your Business?

Omnipresence to Grow Your Business? I am everywhere & I am nowhere. That’s the beauty of the internet age – Ai Weiwei, said about the web omnipresence. Web Omnipresence is a complex word used to describe the ever-present state of the web and the internet. Internet is everywhere whether you notice it or not. Sometimes […]

Website Development - Easy or Troublesome?

In this article we are going to discuss is Website Development – Easy or Troublesome in very detail so the full article. What is a Website? A website is an online office for any business. It is a way to showcase your business sitting at home. A website is harder to develop than it looks […]

Social Media Marketing -

What is Social Media Marketing (SMM)? Social Media is an integral part of everyone’s life nowadays and doing social media marketing for your business is a great way to generate audience and leads. If you are not advertising your business online you are missing out on a lot of great deals. Social Media Marketing includes […]

Do we need any consultations before opening up a startup?

Yes, can you take a medicine without consulting the doctor? No. So, how do you plan on setting a startup online without any help from experts? Consulting us on certain topics like : Is a website important for online business? Do you send out flyers of your offline business without opening an office? No, right? […]

Why is security even for a startup important?

What is Cyber Security?  Cyber Security for business terms would mean securing your online business from hackers. A hacker does not want your personal information by hacking into your system. But what they do is try to steal your traffic or on-site data, try to hack into customers’ debit/credit card details, crash or slow your […]