Tag: brand

Brand Awareness

Brand awareness refers the extent to which consumers are familiar with the qualities or image of a particular brand of goods or services that you provide. In this new era people first look online for goods and services they need. What are the ways they judge and choose a product? The Brand Name The bigger the […]

Brand Awareness

Brand awareness refers the extent to which consumers are familiar with the qualities or image of a particular brand of goods or services that you provide.In this new era people first look online for goods and services they need. What are the ways they judge and choose a product? The brand name – the bigger […]

We have witnessed a great change in our technology and we all know how important our mobile phones and internet is nowadays. We know how important digital marketing is. Read my blog on the strategies of digital marketing, http://teamjugadu.com/blog/strategies-for-digital-marketing/ What is the first thing that you see in the morning, right after you wake up? […]